The Neural Cybernetics Laboratory
@Chubu University
since 2000
where Engineering meets Neuroscience
“Everybody is a genius.
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Albert Einstein
Therefore, we judge our fish by their ability to move the eyes, and make themselves believe that they are great contributors to science (^^)
About the NC lab
The Neural Cybernetics Laboraoty (NC lab) was established in 2000 by Yutaka Hirata when he joined Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Chubu University College of Engineering as an assistant professor after he finished his postdoc at Washington University School of Medicine with Prof. Stephen M. Highstein, MD, Ph.D. Since then, more than 70 undergrad and 28 grad (including masters and Ph.Ds) students as well as 4 postdocs have conducted their research projects at the NC lab. In November 2014, we cerebrated our 15th anniversary with alumni and current lab members (bg photo).